Saturday, November 19, 2011

Turkey Lurkey...and Sally Gets None!

Thanksgiving is fast approaching! I am pretty damn excited. Not only does that mean I get a few days off from work BUT i get a lot of free food! YES! It's a poor kid's dream.

As of last we spoke it was the eve before our Fall Party. There were a lot of people but things stayed calm and friendly. Of course the animals were a huge hit. Everyone was loving on Sally-so much that she was even like, 'alright bitches, i need alone time.' and she went off trying to find a quiet corner. Mr. Grumblez was an even bigger hit. He was awesome and let strangers hold him. He bit one chick but she was pretty drunk and I suspect there was some unintentional foul play on her part. He mostly sat with me and decided to run up and down the long hallway of doom several times. I found this is good exercise for him and he likes doing it so now when I clean his house i put up a little blockade at the end so he can't venture into the living room.

Sally has been sleeping with me a lot lately. We took an adorable nap together yesterday after I got home from work. I didn't close my door well enough and just as I was settling in she crashed my naptime party. It ended up being alright though. I was mad at her yesterday morning for waking me up. I didn't have to be at work until a little later so I got to sleep in a bit  but Sally doesn't care (Sally doesn't give a fuck!) and demands to be fed on HER time. I got slight, though indirect, vengeance for the pre-mature rousing...I still have the AC unit in my window in my room because I have no place to put it until the hallway closet is cleaned out. Sally heard a bird or squirrel or some sort of creature on top of it. She then tried to jump into the window with said AC unit and failed then looked at me as if it were MY fault that she is an idiot. She meowed when I starting laughing at her and if I'm not mistaken I saw a slight twinge of embarrassment in her eyes. As I write this is she curled up and sleeping at the lower corner of my bed. She took a bath which involved butt-hole licking. If anyone has been within 50 feet of this unsavory activity then they know that she is the loudest butt-hole licker on the planet. It is so foul-especially when you wake up to these sounds above your head on your body pillow.

Mothafucker is Peepin on MY Breakfast

MR. GRUMBLEZ! God, stupid cute creature. Last weekend I learned how to hypnotize him!! It is epic. I read that you aren't supposed to do it often because it can make them nauseous and since rabbits do not have the ability to vomit it can cause problems or be  fatal. I of course found that out AFTER I had tried to do it like 5 times in a day. Ooops. I guess hypnotize is really the wrong word. I can't make him cluck like a chicken or quit smoking. He is more just in a calm, serene trance. Basically what I did is talk very softly to him while flipping him on his back and rubbing his nose and cheeks. I started 'aggressively' then as he relaxed I got softer and softer until I stopped. He is then on his back with his paws and feetsies up in the air in a very humorous pose-kind of like those fainting goats when they faint. He doesn't last like this very long because he usually starts to tip over and this 'wakes' him up and he flips back over slightly confused but calm.

I bought him a new chew toy this week at the pet store. He has been without one for a week or two since I accidentally threw his old one away when I was cleaning his house. This one is a carrot that attaches to the side of his house. It took him a few days to figure out what it was but now that he has he is pretty into it which is good. He had been chewing on the wire siding and door of his house which was really loud and annoying.

He is coming home with me for Thanksgiving since I will be gone for more than 2 days. It will be his first time in my parent's new apartment. He is the closest thing my mom has to a grandchild so she spoils the shit out of him by giving him lots of treats. I guess that's ok. I'm sure he thinks so at least. I am HOPING, but I won't count on it, that I can bring him to work with me so I can go home straight from there without having to stop and get him because that will add an extra 45 minutes-an hour to my trip which is already longer because of where my parents moved. If I can I will sneak him in through the Babies 'R' Us in a big BJs bag in his cat carrier. He will just hang out in the back room. Let's see if I can sweet talk my manger into it!

You Know it's Hard Out Here for a Pimp


Pet Me