Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mostly Pictchas

Sorry it has been awhile. I/we are moved into the new apt. sans 2 cats. Sally is here with me while the other 2 are on a farm. In real life, not a 'we took them to a farm' meaning we put them to sleep. 
There is a lot to write but frankly I am so tired so I am just going to put up the last few images I took of the 3 of them in the old apt. 

Mid sneeze
Sink time
Hanging out
Me too
She looks sooooo fat
Hanging out in his side yard at the new apt.
Reese is SO adorable

He looks compact



  1. me too. it's like stink face to the max.

  2. so i got to burning man and you take time off of the blog... i see how it is :-P

  3. duh! just waiting for your return! i have plans to write a post today/tonight so look out for it... promise i won't leave you hanging, i know you need your little fuzzy bastard fix.
