Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mostly Pictchas

Sorry it has been awhile. I/we are moved into the new apt. sans 2 cats. Sally is here with me while the other 2 are on a farm. In real life, not a 'we took them to a farm' meaning we put them to sleep. 
There is a lot to write but frankly I am so tired so I am just going to put up the last few images I took of the 3 of them in the old apt. 

Mid sneeze
Sink time
Hanging out
Me too
She looks sooooo fat
Hanging out in his side yard at the new apt.
Reese is SO adorable

He looks compact


Monday, August 8, 2011

The King Has Returned

Well, I guess I am not a king buuuuut....

A friend of mine posted this on my Facebook wall and it is hilarious so I will post it here...

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

As soon as I walked in the door, of course, I got bombarded by the cats. I fed them and petted them a bit. They were so starved when I was gone that they knocked down Mr. Grumblez yogurt drops and tore into them probably got a taste and decided they were gross and left the package mauled. I was playing butt time with Baby Chan just now. She was loving it at first but then I got too aggressive I guess and she got mad, yelled at me, swatted at me, then jumped down and ate her feelings.  My mother and her friend 'followed' me up, however not successfully. Last I heard from them they were about 25 miles north of Philly....GPS fail. We paused at the DE Welcome Center to re-group. They were supposed to follow me again but a combination of my mom driving the U=Haul and in general the people of PA, NJ, NY are assholes and make it impossible to caravan. I brought Mr. Grumblez out while we ate, obviously, I didn't want to leave him in the car! He got a lot of attention. A few people came up and asked to pet him. Others called attention to their loved ones and pointed and laughed and questioned loudly, 'what IS that?!' A group of foreigners passed by and were confused by him but appreciated his cuteness. When they walked by he was in the middle of a bunny bath.

Hair-do blowing in the wind.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I was sitting on the couch and had just finished my breakfast when I looked down and accidentally locked eyes with Baby Chan. Now when you do this to a cat, especially her, it is an open invitation for them to come up and bother...uh...sit next to you or on you. She then hopped up and laid down next to me so I petted her and she quickly fell asleep. I decided to take this time to update the blog since the next week or so is going to be pretty crazy.
Tomorrow I am going home to get all of my stuff to move into the new apartment which will actively take place on Monday. I will be cleaning up the house and changing litter boxes and cleaning Mr. Grumblez house. This will be the last time I go home for awhile so poor Mr. Grumblez won't have to worry about car rides for a long time. One of the first things I am going to do when I get home is comb him. My mom confirmed that I left it there last time. He looks like a ragamuffin.
He sits like this when we have 'nose-nose' time.
Before I leave tomorrow I will put out extra food and water. I might leave the bathroom door open and actually hide some in the bathtub. My favorite is right before I leave I fill up their food dishes from breakfast and when I do they all come running over and start eating as if I hadn't already fed them less than an hour prior. Such fatties.
On Aug. 1st we had a much needed thunderstorm. It cooled things off quite nicely afterwards. Now thunderstorms scare the shit out of these cats. As soon as the first clap of thunder happens they all go scampering about to find a hiding spot. I was able to document (poorly) where they were hiding. Sally had the most amusing yet unhygienic spot...

Reese under a metal thing with stuff on it in the kitchen.
Stretching after coming out of hiding under the kitchen counter.

UNSANITARY!! In-between the toilet, plunger, and bathtub.

Here is some more eye candy...

Monday, August 1, 2011


Thanks to the lovely Tina, Reese Cup now has a fabulous, brand new, crochet catdana. Isn't she the best hipster kitty around?? Last night Tina witnessed first hand at how 'cat lady' I have become. Near my head to the right was Reese, purring and happy as I was loving on her. On my left side Sally was streeeeeeeeched out sleeping. It was foul.

Ain't she a beaut?!