Sunday, June 19, 2011

Oh Hey Ammonia

Today started off with Vomit Feast 2011. As the sun was just starting to think about coming up, you know that time in the morning when its still dark but the sky has that really wonderful deep blue color, I got rudely awakened by Reese who was about to puke on the bed. I tried to push her off but no such luck. Fortunately however, I was sleeping on the plastic cover because I haven't put the sheet back on after Sally pissed on it a few days ago. After a quick and easy clean up and a pee break I quickly fell back asleep. 
After their feeding this morning Sally, being the good bulimic that she is, promptly threw up her breakfast. But don't worry, I didn't have to clean it, she ate it before I got to it. Thanks Sally, but ewww. 
The cute parts of the story, 1. Reese has been sleeping with me lately-all night. I am sure she gets up at points but she is there when I close my eyes and there when I open them. It's pretty freaking adorable-other than the puking part. 
2. Sally and I also had a very small nap together today. She slept on me for about half an hour. That was also adorable. 
Cleaned the litter boxes today. Like REALLY cleaned them. Threw all out all of the old litter, washed the boxes, and put in new litter. You haven't lived until you get a lung full of ammonia. That caused me a lot of coughing, hacking. Wonderful. Of course I did one at a time. As soon as I was finished with one, literally like 45 seconds, Baby Chan was in it and pooping. Thanks...


Mr. Grumblez came out a few times today and I gave him some pets and brushed him. He is going to be sad because I ran out of carrots for him and didn't make it to the grocery today. I have some lettuce he can have though. He has been enjoying my morning pears with me. He really, REALLY likes them. 
Fuzzy Lumpkins

I found the following picture of Oreo on my memory card today. It's from a few days after this past Christmas. I miss my guy! 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Let's Feed You Assholes

Last night was a good friend of mine's birthday. Needless to say I think I had a little too much fun. Safety being the number one priority, I stayed at another good friend's house. I arrived back to the apartment a little after 10:30 this morning and was bombarded by 3 cats as soon as I walked in the door. 
Under the bathroom door
Heaven forbid I take 5 minutes to pee and brush the liquor taste out of my mouth. As I came around the corner to go into the kitchen I found a precious little gift in the form of a hair-ball  on the couch. I blame Reese. Of course as I was cleaning up said hair-ball I was being screamed at by the cats, mostly Sally and her extra foul meow. That is when I decided to have a little fun at the expense of the cats...

Copy this link into your web browser then sign into should work. 

Today is a lovely day so it is not needed, but I was able to successfully install the AC by myself. I think everyone will be happier on those really hot days now. It's only about 70 right now so the windows and porch door are open. After I clean the litter box and Mr. Grumblez house I am going to take him outside and give him a nice long brushing. I will undoubtedly hear the cries of jealous cats who THINK they want to go on the porch but really don't. Sally is the only one stupid enough to leave the porch and I'm not trying to have Steph come home to a cat pancake...The cats have also been extra ornery today. There have been a number of scraps between all of them and it is barely 11:30. 

On a more somber note, my cat (who lived at home with my parents) died on Friday. He was 17 years old. He was overweight and had really bad arthritis and had apparently been in a lot of pain. He was still eating and drinking fine but barely used his litter box. He just kind of did his biz wherever he wanted. My mom stayed with him the whole time. She said he was very calm and quiet. I guess he knew it was time to go. I just can't shake the image of my Oreo B. Kitty laying on a cold metal table. 
On his 17th birthday this past January
Circa 2010

Circa 1994

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Philly Heat-wave Part Deux

Experiencing pure ecstasy, Reese Cup is laying next to me getting the lovin of a lifetime! Not only are all of her favorite spots being activated, she is in front of a fan. She is being cooled down as she is being warmed up. AAAAAAND she just fell on the floor..Silly Bitch. Now she is eating her feelings. 
In other Reese news, I went to Petsmart on Tuesday. My purchases were mostly bunny related but I got her some anti hair-ball gel stuff. (Steph said I was allowed) It is chicken flavor apparently, though no chicken I have ever had smells like that...ick. She seems to like it though. I let her lick it straight from the tube and I squirt out little bits at a time. So far she hasn't had any hair-balls!  Hopefully that was money well spent. 
Well look who has joined the party, SALLY! In her fashion she of course walked across my computer. Dearest Sally, I love you but it is too hot for you to be physically touching me. Ugh...She has jammed herself in between my leg, a small couch pillow, and the couch cushion. How are you getting any air down there weirdo? 
It's too hot for this!! 
I haven't seen Baby Chan in a minute. My guess would be she is in the studio laying on my long clear plastic box trying to stay cool. 

Today is technically day 2 of this Philly's second heat-wave. Yesterday it was about 90. It felt like it outside but it was cool inside for whatever reason. Today is a different story. It is hot, stuffy, and uncomfortable even with 3 fans on. I think I am going to attempt to put in the AC window unit myself. People are scaring me saying, 'you are doing that YOURSELF?' or 'you don't have a MAN you can call?' Um, NO. I don't actually, thanks though. I am an INDEPENDENT woman goddamn-it!! Can it really be that hard? Remove from box, place in open window, make sure it's level, install insulation, plug in, turn on.... Anyway, back to the cats....hehehe...

I put some ice cubes in the cat's water. Instead of loving it like my cat does, they are afraid of them. Love these cats but they are truly not the brightest creatures. I am going to make chicken salad for dinner so they will also get a little bit of chicken tonight. As soon as I even THINK about cooking I am guaranteed at least 2 cats (usually Sally and Baby Chan) are up on the bar stools in my way when I am doing things....

In bunny news: 
Poor guy is hot!!! His hair is blowing in the fan wind. He looks like a super model. I was unable to find an IcePod for him so I went to Home Depot and got 2 ceramic tiles and put them in the freezer. In this heat they don't stay cool for very long but its definitely a welcome break.
Bunny bath on the cool tile
I think he liked it. Sorry for the poor quality cell phone images today! The cats also got a clean litter box yesterday while Mr. Grumblez got a clean house! Needless to say, I am sure all of the animals were happy. Despite the heat, Mr. Grumblez has been very affectionate today. I was able to brush him a little yesterday so hopefully that took care of a tiny bit of the hotness. 

I guess that is it for today!  

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Bunch of Lazy

In the world of cats, today was pretty uneventful. I woke up to Reese Cup throwing up which is obviously my favorite sound to wake up to. When I was in the bathroom I heard her puking again. This time it was on the arm of the couch...Thanks Reese... After I cleaned that up I went back to bed, seeing as though it was not even 7:30am on a Sunday. 

The cats slept pretty much all day. Sally snuggled with me on and off. Of course the cats sleeping all day means as soon as I lay my head on the pillow they will go crazy chasing each-other and making lots of other racket. Hopefully that won't be the case!! 

Sally Baby

Baby Chan 

Reese Cup

I wish I could sleep all day and not feel guilty. Lazy bitches. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011


I suppose a good place to start is why? Why a blog? Why now? The answers to these questions is simple. Borderline pathetic, but simple. Basically, I live in a fairly small apartment in West Philadelphia (insert Fresh Prince of Bel Air song here). I used to have a roommate (Steph) but as of yesterday she has left me to peruse bigger and better things at an internship in Rosendale, New York! Of course, this is only for the summer months then we will be reunited and living in a more spacious place. In real life I moved up here from Northern Virginia and invaded her apartment, she is just cool enough that she doesn't care! But I digress...The point of this blog is to keep my roommate up to date with funny stories, and pictures of her cats. Yep. That's it. *You can laugh at any time.* I will also frequently discuss my rabbit and the cute things he does. I suppose now would be a great time to introduce you to everybody. 

This is Baby Chan (aka Baby)
The smallest of the 3 cats, Baby Chan packs the most punch. She eats the most, has the loudest meow, is the most temperamental, and has the smelliest poops. She must see the need to overcompensate for her size. She loves Steph the most. She can be very sweet to others but her mood is quick to change. She is VERY affectionate when she wants to you feed her. She wakes herself up meowing in her sleep and can be beckoned from anywhere by a series of whistles and clicks. She loves licking Steph's loofah that dangles under the faucet after someone showers. 

This is Sally (aka Sally Baby)
In general, the friendliest of the 3 cats is Sally. She will be the first to crawl up on your lap, snuggle by your side, or lick your nose. BEWARE, she also has the worst smelling breath! For this reason I do not allow her to lick my nose. She is also the most tolerant of the 3. You can mess with her and she will just lay there and take it. Whether she is just used to it from years and years of different people poking and jigging her legs or pure laziness, I will never know. She is the first to snuggle with you at night and 9/10 the first to try and wake you up in the morning to be fed. She is considered the 'blonde' of the bunch. She gets by in life on her looks, she is truly not the brightest creature. 

This is Reese (aka Reese Cup)
The oldest and largest of the 3 cats, Reese demands respect! She was born the litter before the others. Reese is an independent woman but when she seeks out attention you just want to give it to her. She has the most adorable happy noises and loves more than anything to be rubbed over her eyes. She enjoys eating plastic, strings, and hair ties. She also loves being an indie kitty sporting an array of neckerchiefs. I am super against animals wearing clothing but she really, REALLY, loves it-just as long as you remember to scratch underneath it. She is also the reason 'kitten mittens' were invented. She has the loudest walk of any cat I have ever heard. When she snuggles with you at least one part of her body has to be touching you. Maybe it's her tail, her head or her paw, either way it is adorable. 

Mr. Grumblez (aka Bunbuns)
As the only man in the house, Mr. Grumblez gets tons of attention. He is a lionshead rabbit. He is a ball of angsty fluff. He used to have a problem with biting but that has pretty much subsided. Most days he is incredibly sweet and attention seeking. On others he is full of piss and vinegar. I rescued him from a crazy lady at about a year and a half old. His weight was healthy but his toenails were long, his hair a mess and he was not neutered. He was very sweet when I first brought him home but after the big snip snip he was nothing but mean and bite-y. No one could tell me why (not even the vet) but my theory is his balls were on for too long and when they were removed it threw his hormones out of wack. Now, about a year later, he is wonderful!  He loves to eat apples and carrots and sit on the back of the couch watching everything. He likes to be nose to nose with me and the the spot right behind his ears and ears massaged. And think rabbits don't make noise? Think again, this bitch grumbles. 

So there you have it. Thanks for meeting everyone! I only just scratched the surface with these descriptions. The coming months are sure to be filled with tons of funny stories, photos, and maybe a video or 2.