Sunday, December 25, 2011

Meow-y Christmas/Hoppy Holidays!

First of all, I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday regardless of what you do or don't celebrate! As a gift for ya'll I have a bunch of pictures for your viewing pleasure. 
Steph is in the process of moving out. Soon Sally will be gone too. She definitely knows something is going on. 

Here are a few text message pictures and texts that I have sent to Steph recently that were amusing...

'Look at this creepy bitch peepin on my cereal! Aaaaaaaand she just tried to eat a nail. Such an intelligent creature we have on our hands.'

'Sally has also started knocking over the trash can...'-Me
'God she's well behaved.'-Steph

'Sweeping the kitchen is like an open buffet for this fucking cat.'

I can tell when it's time to sweep the kitchen because whenever I am standing in there eating or making food, Sally has her face to the ground and is licking whatever she can. She is quite fond of little bits of sugar cookies that fall to the ground, especially pieces with frosting on them. 

Yesterday morning I had plans to get up early because I was driving home for Christmas. Sally had other plans as if my already early 
rousal (<---sweet word I just made up) time was not early enough for her. She jumped on the bed and came over to my head and started purring loudly. Then she proceeded to happy paw my head, getting my hair tangled up in her claws. I then put the blanket over my head and tucked it underneath so she couldn't bother me. She began nudging me aggressively, and once she got no response from that the happy paws continued. Basically, she ruined my life trying to wake me up, very prematurely, despite her food dish being completely full. I won't miss that. 
Since it has been colder, and I don't have much time left for kitty snuggles, I have been letting her sleep with me. I will say that her bedtime routine is kind of...*cough* cute. I ALWAYS shut the door with her outside, though not all the way. I let her discover she can get in on her own. Once she realizes she can get in she jumps up on my bed and comes over to my side (usually the right). She then turns around in circles, lays down, gets up, continues to turn around in circles, until she is satisfied and finally lays down in a little ball. She stays like that for a few moments and then gets up and crawls underneath my covers, turns around, and sticks her head out so she is covered up like a person. Once or twice I have woken up hours after going to bed and we are both in the same position. 

My bed WAS fresh, clean, and cat-hair free. Not so much anymore. Biiiiiitch. Shortly after this image was taken I had to go to work. I made her get off my bed and out of my room because if I can't be comfy and warm in my bed no one else can either! 

That tongue, in all of it's sand-papery foul-ness,  has caused me more agony and sadness than any other tongue in this world.

 Can you see the hatred oozing from Carmen towards Sally? She legitimately LOATHES Sally. It's hilarious. Fortunately for Carmen, she doesn't have to deal with Sally anymore since she moved out this past Thursday. 

His adorable-ness is almost painful. 

Santa Claus even left a stocking filled with goodies for Mr. Grumblez! What a nice dude. He brought him a corn husk ball, which was tied from his ceiling but he played with it enough that he knocked it down so it is now resting on the ground in a corner. He also got another carrot chew toy and some tiny corn cobs. We popped one of them, he seems to enjoy the pop corn and the un-popped kernels. 

Every time my mom walks in the room this is what Mr. Grumblz does. She spoils this fluffy creature horribly. He knows exactly what to do to make her give him raisin treaties. 

It seems as though my dad has found a new biffle in Mr. Grumblez or vice versa. My dad requested Mr. Grumblez to hang out with us while we played the Wii. It is interesting to me that regardless of where he is, Grumblestilzkin loves to hang out on the backs of couches. He was sitting behind my dad for a good 20 minutes today. What an adorable pair. 

Merry Christmas!! His hair-do was slightly more out of control than it is usually. 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Soon We Shall Say, 'Goodbye'

First of all, I would like to start out and say that this blog has gotten over 1,000 views since I started it this summer. Who woulda thunk that something focusing mainly on someone else's animals would be so popular?! Maybe I am miss-reading it, maybe these views are people that have stumbled upon my diminutive little corner of the blog-o-sphere by mistake. Either way, it's pretty cool so thanks! Now: in animal related news...

The year is quickly coming to a close and changes are about to take place. Steph is going to stay in NY to pursue her artistic endeavors. Towards the end of the month she will be moving out of the apartment completely and Sally will be going with her along with Baby Chan who is in NJ. This will be one of the final blog posts I feel seeing as though Sally is the main source of entertainment. I hate to admit it but I think I am going to miss having the fuzzy equivalent of a dumb blonde... EXCEPT when she chews on plastic bags, bothers Mr. Grumblez, meows at sinful hours in the morning, escapes outside when I try to take out the trash, runs upstairs in the apartment building, gets down in the basement to Carmen's room (who HATES her) and sometimes follows me when I'm doing laundry, her foul meow scream, her desire for constant attention/general neediness, her cat halitosis, her fur all over the damn place, how she is at my feet whenever I am doing anything in the kitchen in hopes that I will drop a piece of food for her to nom, how her interest in me increases 1,000% when I am trying to eat, her love for the bathroom sink, how i have to lock my door/keep it closed if i want her out of my room, her habit of digging at doors, when she meows and scratches at my face in the morning when she is ready to be fed, how she begs for her wet/dry food mixture when 1. she takes two bites then walks away and 2. she has a bowl FULL of dry food to eat, and her persistence when she wants something. Hmm, maybe I won't miss her that much after all...No...I will. I enjoy the companionship of something fuzzy that likes to cuddle since Mr. Grumblez won't. Sally and I take some epic naps together. It is also adorable when she is in my bed and goes under the covers and sticks her head out like a human, using my arm for a pillow.  Before I inundate you with videos and photos of Sally I will show you one of Mr. Grumblez being adorable..*ahem* existing,,,,

Look at that foot! 

'LOL! Look at her fat greedy ass run to the kitchen! Hahahahahaha.'

Laser Pointer+Cat=Epic Entertainment

Peeking at me in the bathroom. Pervert. 

Actually Sally, I need that heating pad more than you today.

Sometimes, we make an irresistible pair. 

Whilst attempting to write the blog.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Turkey Lurkey...and Sally Gets None!

Thanksgiving is fast approaching! I am pretty damn excited. Not only does that mean I get a few days off from work BUT i get a lot of free food! YES! It's a poor kid's dream.

As of last we spoke it was the eve before our Fall Party. There were a lot of people but things stayed calm and friendly. Of course the animals were a huge hit. Everyone was loving on Sally-so much that she was even like, 'alright bitches, i need alone time.' and she went off trying to find a quiet corner. Mr. Grumblez was an even bigger hit. He was awesome and let strangers hold him. He bit one chick but she was pretty drunk and I suspect there was some unintentional foul play on her part. He mostly sat with me and decided to run up and down the long hallway of doom several times. I found this is good exercise for him and he likes doing it so now when I clean his house i put up a little blockade at the end so he can't venture into the living room.

Sally has been sleeping with me a lot lately. We took an adorable nap together yesterday after I got home from work. I didn't close my door well enough and just as I was settling in she crashed my naptime party. It ended up being alright though. I was mad at her yesterday morning for waking me up. I didn't have to be at work until a little later so I got to sleep in a bit  but Sally doesn't care (Sally doesn't give a fuck!) and demands to be fed on HER time. I got slight, though indirect, vengeance for the pre-mature rousing...I still have the AC unit in my window in my room because I have no place to put it until the hallway closet is cleaned out. Sally heard a bird or squirrel or some sort of creature on top of it. She then tried to jump into the window with said AC unit and failed then looked at me as if it were MY fault that she is an idiot. She meowed when I starting laughing at her and if I'm not mistaken I saw a slight twinge of embarrassment in her eyes. As I write this is she curled up and sleeping at the lower corner of my bed. She took a bath which involved butt-hole licking. If anyone has been within 50 feet of this unsavory activity then they know that she is the loudest butt-hole licker on the planet. It is so foul-especially when you wake up to these sounds above your head on your body pillow.

Mothafucker is Peepin on MY Breakfast

MR. GRUMBLEZ! God, stupid cute creature. Last weekend I learned how to hypnotize him!! It is epic. I read that you aren't supposed to do it often because it can make them nauseous and since rabbits do not have the ability to vomit it can cause problems or be  fatal. I of course found that out AFTER I had tried to do it like 5 times in a day. Ooops. I guess hypnotize is really the wrong word. I can't make him cluck like a chicken or quit smoking. He is more just in a calm, serene trance. Basically what I did is talk very softly to him while flipping him on his back and rubbing his nose and cheeks. I started 'aggressively' then as he relaxed I got softer and softer until I stopped. He is then on his back with his paws and feetsies up in the air in a very humorous pose-kind of like those fainting goats when they faint. He doesn't last like this very long because he usually starts to tip over and this 'wakes' him up and he flips back over slightly confused but calm.

I bought him a new chew toy this week at the pet store. He has been without one for a week or two since I accidentally threw his old one away when I was cleaning his house. This one is a carrot that attaches to the side of his house. It took him a few days to figure out what it was but now that he has he is pretty into it which is good. He had been chewing on the wire siding and door of his house which was really loud and annoying.

He is coming home with me for Thanksgiving since I will be gone for more than 2 days. It will be his first time in my parent's new apartment. He is the closest thing my mom has to a grandchild so she spoils the shit out of him by giving him lots of treats. I guess that's ok. I'm sure he thinks so at least. I am HOPING, but I won't count on it, that I can bring him to work with me so I can go home straight from there without having to stop and get him because that will add an extra 45 minutes-an hour to my trip which is already longer because of where my parents moved. If I can I will sneak him in through the Babies 'R' Us in a big BJs bag in his cat carrier. He will just hang out in the back room. Let's see if I can sweet talk my manger into it!

You Know it's Hard Out Here for a Pimp


Pet Me

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Sally sometimes  keeps me warm at night.  However, her annoyance far outweighs the warmth that she provides. Especially when she happy paws on my back before the light has graced us with her presence for the day. She thinks she is entitled to this privilege all the time now. I am regretting the first night i let her share my bed ...

I hate it when you do cute things
it disgusts me.

At this exact moment Sally is outside my bedroom door S C R E A M I N G and digging to get in. She is on a time-out. The last time she was in here she tried to get into Mr. Grumblez's house. She was driving me nuts today while i was trying to take out the trash. Sometimes it's hard to not throw her out a window. 
Things that annoy me about Sally:
1) She. Is. So. Goddamn. Needy.
2) She is always underfoot, especially when I am in the kitchen. I unintentionally kick her and step on her ALL the time then she looks up all hurt and screams at me like it's MY fault.
3) She follows me around and cries at the top of her lungs when she needs/wants food then she takes 1.5 bites and walks away as if she wasn't THAT hungry in the first place.
3.5) She eats so fast that she then pukes.
3.8) She begs to drink the raw milk after I'm done with my cereal then indulges and spits it up like a baby.
4) She wants to be where ever I am all the time. If I don't let her she revolts. Example: I want to lay on my bed in peace. I lock my bedroom door so she can't get in. She gets angry and rebells by going into my closet (which she can get into) and gets her fucking fur all over.
5) Her OBSESSION with chewing on plastic bags. WTF cat!
6) She taunts my rabbit. He is in his enclosure and she gets free roam of my room but she still likes to hang out in HIS space.
7) At the end of the day she is really fucking sweet and as much as I want to I can't hate her. I...I just can't. Stupid bitch.

Sally has turned into a dog. Not only does she eat anything and everything, bits of pumpkin roll, nuts, cheese, noodles, bread, eggs, hair, random shit off the ground, but she greets me when I come home from work. Before I even put my key in the door to the apartment she knows it's me. I hear her horrendous meow like the voice of Satan crackling behind the door. I always pause briefly before I enter. She sits alone in the long dark hallway and stares up at me with huge creepy eyes then screams at me as I hang up my jacket and purse and then tries to break into my room when I open the door.

Reese Reese. I miss you and your neckerchief.
Just calling attention to this again.
It is with a heavy heart that I announce that my favorite cat, Reese Cup, has been missing from the farm for about a month. I can only hope that she comes back but I know the reality of the situation. I am hoping she has found a nice male stray and has been fucking her little fuzzy brains out, and since she is fixed she doesn't have to worry about any unwanted pregnancy! I'm hoping she uses protection though, gotta keep the feline AIDs at bay. We love you Reese, please come back. <3 <3 <3

Mr. Grumblez is nomming currently. I love when it is quiet in my room and all I hear is the small  *crunch crunch* of him having a snack. I pushed his enclosure close up around his cage because I was moving around. He spent the better part of 5 minutes pushing it back out with his face and nose that never tires. I guess he worked up an appetite. He will get a clean cage tomorrow as well as a mani/pedi and a nice long brushing. His new favorite thing to do when he wants attention is to put his little paws up on top of the fence and stand oh his back feetsies for me to pet him, He loves it and it is super duper adorbs. Last weekend when I was home my roommate had a small get together with some of her friends. I guess she showed them my room and they saw the bun. Somehow, they got him out and loved on him for awhile. I was quite impressed. He was a good boy and wasn't mean! He was apparently a huge hit with the ladies. (Sally was too). We are having a 'Fall Party' tomorrow and the guests have already been gushing about the animals and how much they love the apartment! Yay!

I have also started a 'Wall of Pets' wall at work. I decided that sometimes we need a break from looking at kids all day. So far I am in the only one with a picture up. Of course it is of Mr. Grumblez.

I Love Him 

Monday, October 10, 2011


'This is the sound of needy-ness..'

Steph stopped by on her way back to NY from PDF. We had dinner, shared a nice long chat, and took turns taking jabs at Sally's general foul-ness. She is currently outside my door screaming. She must know I am writing about her. She was just happy she got to lick someone's face! 

Reunited and it Feels so GOOD!

Squirrel Watching

Sally has been quite fascinated lately with this squirrel who likes to eat berries out of the bushes that are right outside the window. She will fall asleep watching him. She also enjoys it when the birds hang out in there. Sometimes she will make her cat chirpy noises at the creatures. I know I am pretty good to do whatever chores I need to get done around the house if she is distracted by the squirrel or the birds.  Oh Sally, what a silly creature you are. 

Squirrel Noms

Finally, here in Philadelphia, fall has come!! We have been having these lovely crisp, cool days. Of course with the coming of fall the humidity decreases rapidly. As a result of that the door to my room, which becomes rather swoll in the humidity gets stuck in the door frame and is very difficult to open. Since the welcome decrease in humidity it is no longer a challenge to get in and out of my room everyday. Sally has figured out that she CAN in fact open my door and come in. I guess I should back up a bit. I let her sleep with me on Friday night because my roommate was gone and I was feeling rather crappy all day. She snuggled up against me and it was *coughcoughadorablecough*. The next morning at about 6:30am she got into my room and came near my face and started in with the happy paws on my pillow. When I opened my eyes the tiniest crack she meowed and stuck her terrifying face in mine. She looked like one of those slow loris know, with the big creepy eyes. I got up, peed, fed her, went back to bed, but not before locking my door. Mr. Grumblez is NOT a fan of a curious Sally invading HIS territory, aka my room. 

BAD Kitty

Mr. Grumblez is doing just as well as ever. I got him some new Timothy Hay and he doesn't seem to fancy it much. He is currently laying in his house after a nice meal. Well, I assume it was nice for him. 


Mr. Grumblez was the star in a video I recently made. He is a very talented little actor. Maybe I will try and cut some of the pieces together and put it on here in an abridged version. Sally also made a cameo appearance. I am going home next week for a dental appointment. It will be my first time 'home' in my parent's new place. I haven't decided if I am taking Mr. Grumblez with me yet seeing as though it will only be for a day and a half...I probably won't. He doesn't like getting moved around that much so I will probably wait to bring him until next time when I go back which will probably be for Thanksgiving. I went to a new pet store by my work today. I got litter and some bedding for him. They also sold rabbits. They were adorable and pulled at my heartstrings briefly until I remembered I have the cutest bunny so why buy a new one! However, they were floppy eared ones...AWWW!! 


Monday, September 26, 2011

Nothing Much to Say

Really, not much to say. I have been giving Sally lots of attention lately. I know right! Your mind is totally blown. I will be headed home AGAIN at the end of this week to help out with a yard sale my parents are having. Hopefully I can make a little bit of cash! I am not taking Mr. Grumblez with me this time. He takes up too much room in the backseat and I am sure I will be bringing MORE crap back. I will miss him though, super fuzzy beast. I brushed him last night. He needed it. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011



I got back to Philadelphia yesterday after being home for a week. There was much to do there. Long story short, I was helping clean and pack a little to get my parents moved out of their house after some serious flooding post Hurricane Irene. I am sad to see them leave it, as it is my childhood home, and we are the only people to own it since it was finished in 1949. *sigh*

I knew I was going to be away for awhile so i took Mr. Grumblez with me. As much as he is not the biggest fan of the car he knows he gets super spoiled when he is there. He gets out a lot and hangs out on the back porch and gets brushed and gets lots of carrots and raisins. He doesn't like that he can't hippity hop around like he does here but he gets out enough regardless.
Bunny Bath on the Back Porch
Bunny Sphinx

Sally of course has been all up in my business. She charged me at the door with my hands full and nearly escaped. Because I had a lot of stuff to bring in I had to put her in the bathroom so she wouldn't run out.

Shut up
After driving back and bringing boxes in the house I was pretty tired (not to mention I had been up since about 7ish) and even though I tried to fight it I ended up laying down for a nap. Of course, my door was closed. On the other side Sally was screaming in the hallway and digging at the bottom of the door, which I'm sure you would know is NOT conducive to nippity nap time. So, I being the kind, warm-hearted, generous soul that I am, decided that I would allow Sally to lay down with me. She was absolutely as happy as she could be. She was purring SO loudly and kept rubbing up on me and nudging me most aggressively. I'm not going to lie, it was cute. It was still hard to fall asleep, as her purring was freaking out of control. Eventually though, we both fell asleep, she was in between my arms which were in an awkward 'C' shape around her. Our nap didn't last long (which was for the best) because I kept getting texts and such, then my 'roommate' called because she was home and went to get dinner at a pizza place a block away. She was nice enough to feed Sally for me while I was gone.

 I am super excited that fall is here. I WISH I could open the windows and leave the backdoor open but I can't seeing as though the windows don't have screens and as soon as the backdoor is open Sally is trying everything she can do to get out. GRRR. 

Red Ikea Chair

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Of All Of The Inquisitive Cats....

Sally, you are the WORST! 
*bonus points if you get that movie reference*

Many apologies for the lack of blog lately. Things have been a wee bit on the crazy side!

My mom and I bought Sally a cat scratcher thingy and got catnip spray. I am trying to train her out of scratching the furniture. So far it is working pretty well. She also likes to just pass out on it.

Sally is used to not having her sisters here I think. She then in turn bugs the shit out of me all the time. Whenever I open the door to my room she runs at me, fat pooch swaying, and follows me into either the kitchen or the bathroom. She is pretty good at judging where I am going to go too. She is correct 95% of the time. However, I have been sacrificing my bladder a minute extra in the mornings by feeding her first so I don't have to hear her meowing while i pee. One of her favorite things to do is hang out with me in the bathroom regardless of what I am doing. She loves to sit in the sink and also drink from the faucet. I turn it on for her most days.


Sally also HAS to be in everything or try to get into places where she isn't allowed to go, ie. my room, my closet, the basement, outside via the back door in the kitchen. She has gotten out the front door of the apartment and she ran up the stairs to the second level of the house. I was less than impressed when she did that. Not to mention the upstairs is a bit creepy. Pepto Bismol pink walls and a random mirror with old awkward paisley carpet. For whatever reason I thought if The Shinning up there...



Tina, PROOF that her stupid ass CAN in fact fit through that little space at the bottom of the door. Fail. So annoying when you are trying to take the trash out.
Trying to Escape 
As for Mr. Grumblez, he is doing well. He enjoys having a more space than he had previously. He likes to come out of his house and push his front yard around.

House and Yard

Mr. Grumblez is quite the intelligent fuzzy lumpkins. He found a weak point in the fence. By running into it in different directions he was able to get the hooks to unhook and then he runs around my room and hides under my bed. He takes awhile to capture again...I can lure him out eventually with carrots. Typical rabbit.

Bun Hands

I Can Have My Second Raisin???

Bunny Noms (they are cuter than your noms)